D1 Jr. Pro Basketball - 2nd and 3rd grade D2 Jr. Pro Basketball - 4th, 5th, & 6th grade
Please look at your receipt at checkout so that your child attends the correct Skills and Drills times for their grade and last name.
If you are unable to cover the costs of this program you may request a "Fee Waiver" for some, or all of the charges by contacting the Recreation Department. There are no special requirements. Please speak with the Director of Parks and Recreation or the Assistant Director so they can assist you. The main goal of a municipally funded Recreation Department is to make sure that all children have an opportunity to participate in programming with their peers.
****If your child is playing on a school team or another basketball team during our scheduled season December through February, they are ineligible to play for us.******
Please attend both Saturday for Skills & Drills and attend during your designated time slot- see flyer! This program will require you to sign up for both whereas the two slots pay for the entire season which runs December, January, and February.
A paper schedule will be handed out once teams are made.